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Sterculia Foetida Latex

Sterculia Foetida Latex

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Main market:
Vietnam, International

Contact infomation

Contact name: Hotline
Telephone: +84 259 3500 484
Mobiphone:+84 987 655 105

Product & service detail

With the concept: "Health is all".
- Looking to the future whether adults or children need good health, so natural and pure Sterculia Foetida of Duong Thao Company brings the best health to everyone.
- Pure refined products make a difference compared to the unique body purification products that are completely natural products to help consumers have the best health.
- Products of natural and pure Sterculia Foetida of Duong Thao Company
   + No artificial colors.
   + No preservatives.
- The product line has 2 main types:
   + Pure Sterculia Foetida
   + Natural Sterculia Foetida powder
⇒ Guaranteed product quality. If the product does not meet the requirements, 100% of the amount will be refunded.
1. Introduction
- Snow swallow is another name for pure trom. 100% pure sterculia foetida products are harvested from sterculia foetida gardens in Ninh Thuan. The product is dried by modern machinery with Japanese technology to create a closed process in accordance with the criteria of comprehensive cleanliness, no dust, no additives, and no preservatives.
2. Use of  the product

+ Pure sterculia foetida helps to eat well, sleep well and reduce stress.
+ Sterculia foetida helps to heal open wounds and gives you a beautiful skin.
+ Sterculia foetida drink regularly is very good for the excretory system, digestive system, especially people with colon disease.
+ Sterculia foetida is rich in fiber, so pure Trom is capable of improving blood fat, lowering liver enzymes, detoxifying the body, increasing satiety and regulating blood sugar levels in overweight and obese people. Regulate blood sugar in diabetics, fight atherosclerosis, reduce blood pressure in limbs, stabilize blood pressure, help prevent myocardial ischemia, varicose veins, etc

Please contact us through our hotline or send us an e-mail for more information. We are very pleased to serve you!

Duong Thao Company Limited

Le Duan Street, Town 10, Phuoc My Ward, Pha Rang - Thap Cham City,Ninh Thuan, Vietnam
+84 259 3826555, +84 913 882 009

Contact Infomation
What can we do for you?
Contact name: Hotline
Telephone: +84 259 3500 484
Mobiphone: +84 987 655 105
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