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Pelure Paper - 22G

Pelure Paper - 22G

Place of Origin:
Brand Name:
Dai Hung Long
A waterproofing sheet with cellulose base is an ideal solution for combating moisture.
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Main market:
Vietnam (FDI)

Contact infomation

Contact name: Mr. Viet (Eng/ Vie)
Telephone: +84 917220625
Mobiphone:+84 949611559

Product & service detail

Pelure Paper - 22G

1. Product description:

Poluya oil paper, a type of laminated paper primarily composed of pure cotton fibers, finds versatile applications.

2. Structure:

Made from wood pulp or recycled paper pulp, with cellulose fibers as the primary component. The process of making this special paper includes these meticulous steps:

  • Starch, resin, and plant elements are separated from cellulose, which is then diluted in water and pounded into fibers.
  • Excess water drains off when these fibers are placed on a sieve.
  • Vigorous shaking of the sieve aligns the fibers to form a paper sheet.

3. Advantages:

  Thin and lightweight, saving space and weight during use.

  Clean and 100% purified.

  One side is polished to prevent oil absorption during frying and cooking.

4. Application:

Moisture-proof and dehumidifying in the leather and garment industries.

Used in cement concrete pavement structures to create a flat layer, reduce friction between surface layers and road foundations, aiding movement during temperature changes and preventing underground water backflow.

Acts as an isolation layer between the friction-reducing foundation layer (typically 2-5cm of sand) and the road surfaces cement concrete layer.

Prevents the foundation layer from absorbing water during pavement concrete curing, maintaining concrete quality.

In various applications, such as temporary roof coverings and rain protection for rubber tree trenches during latex harvesting.

Contact Information:

Address: 104/3 To Ngoc Van, Thanh Xuan Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City

Tel/Hotline: +84 908 69 79 18, +84 917 220 625, +84 949 611 559

Email: Ctydaihunglong@gmail.com

Dai Hung Long Moisture-Proof Paper - Dai Hung Long Production Trading Service and Printing Company

Dai Hung Long Moisture-Proof Paper - Dai Hung Long Production Trading Service and Printing Company
20/72 Thanh Xuan 24 Street, Quarter 7, Thanh Xuan Ward, District 12,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
+84 908697918, +84 917220625, +84 949611559

Contact Infomation
What can we do for you?
Contact name: Mr. Viet (Eng/ Vie)
Telephone: +84 917220625
Mobiphone: +84 949611559
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