- Hydrogen (Latin: Hydrogenium) is a chemical element in the periodic system of elements with the number of atoms equal to 1, the atomic mass equal to 1 unit DC. Previously also known as a hot air balloon (as in the "hot air bomb" or H bomb). Hydrogen is the lightest element and exists in gaseous form, with an atomic weight of 1,00794 u.
- Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, making up about 75% of the total mass of the universe and over 90% of the total number of atoms. Stars in the main sequence are composed primarily of hydrogen in the Plasma state. Naturally occurring elemental hydrogen on Earth is relatively rare due to the slight hydrogen gas, so the Earths gravitational field is not strong enough to keep them from escaping into space, so Hydrogen exists mainly in the form of atomic hydrogen in the upper floors of the Earths atmosphere.
Some applications of hydrogen gas:
- Hydrogen is used primarily for the reaction in the chemical and glass industry as well as cooling gas turbines of power plants (an energy carrier element).
- It is also used in reducing oxides in ammonium synthesis (in fertilizer plants) and in electronics.
- Hydrogen is also used in metallurgy because of its ability to reduce oxidation of metals and prevent oxidation of metals in handling metals and solid alloys.
- Hydrogen is used in industries such as glass industry, welding & metal fabrication, energy, oil refining
Hydrogen 4.5
Oxygen (O2)
≤ 5
Nitrogen (N2)
≤ 10
Moisture (H2O)
≤ 5
≤ 0,5
Volume / Pressure
Tank, bottle standards
GB5099 – ISO 9809-3
Connect W21.8x1/14, DIN477 No1
Packaging color
Red tank
Colorless, odorless, flammable compressed air
Specifications are for reference only, specifications may vary by batch
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