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nippon stain resistant decorative interior paint

An Lac Paints - An Lac Trading and Services Company Limited is a supplier of nippon stain resistant decorative interior paint. Please contact us for more information about nippon stain resistant decorative interior paint, trading and nippon stain resistant decorative interior paint quote.


An Lac Paints - An Lac Trading and Services Company Limited

An Lac Paints - An Lac Trading and Services Company Limited
680 Dien Bien Phu, Thanh Khe Tay Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City, Vietnam
680 Dien Bien Phu, Thanh Khe Tay Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City, Vietnam
+84 236 3821665, Hotline: +84 936128078 (Zalo)
+84 236 3821665, Hotline: +84 936128078 (Zalo)
Trading Company, Distributor
Vietnam, FDI in Vietnam

Contact infomation

Contact name: Mr. Lam (Eng/Vie)
Job Title: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Mobiphone:+84 936 128 078

Other Products & services

Propan paints

Nippon paints

KCC paints

Hiep Phat paints

Silicone adhesive, plastic wheelbarrow

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Quality Safety Certificate
CCI 2015 Certificate
CCI 2016 Certificate

Propan paints

Glasskote water-based acrylic paint GK-05 WB
Durogloss 8800 Turbo Fast Dry PU coating
Durogloss NC Duco paint
Fiberkote Penetrating Sealer FPS-820 solvent-based primer
Gemini Synthetic paint
Zebra Synthetic paint
Go Fast A-1000 water-based paint
Heatproof paint HPR-980
Tennokote sports court paint TNK-1000 WA
Ultrapond cement-based waterproofing coating
Polyfloor PU Epoxy Hybrid paint
Propan Cat Genteng water-based roof tile paint
Propan High Filler Epoxy primer
Propan Stone Care coating
Propan Stone Care Cat Batu Candi coating

KCC paints

Alkyd oil paint LT313
Sensemel 999 oil paint
Zinc primer IZ180(N)
Sporthane Primer (ECO)
Sporthane Topcoat
Chemical resistant Epoxy floor coating ET5500
Hyperurea waterproof paint HB195A
Heat-resistant paint OT407
Sporthane Exposure WTR exterior waterproofing paint
Epoxy primer for galvanized metal EP1760
Yeolcoat heat-resistant paint QT606
KCC Koremix waterproofing cement paint
KCC Koreproof waterproofing exterior paint
Polyurethane Concrete paint
Unipoxy Lining Epoxy self-leveling paint

Hiep Phat paints

NC interior paint
PU interior paint
PU exterior paint
White exterior paint
Geman galvanized iron paint
Geman industrial paint
Geman fragrance paint
Geman oil-based gloss paint
Geman oil paint
Geman office paint
Geman Epoxy paint
Avata galvanized iron paint
Avata industrial paint
Draco 1-component acrylic paint
Draco industrial paint

Nippon paints

Nippon WeatherGard high gloss paint
Taikalitt S-100 NCB Intumescent interior paint
Waterproof paint WP-200
WeatherGard Sealer exterior primer
Supergard exterior paint
Super Matex exterior paint
Nippon Matex paint
Nippon odour-less all in-1 paint
Nippon Pylox Lazer paint
Nippon S450 heat resisting black paint
Nippon spot-less plus paint
Nippon Tilac paint
Tilac paint for galvanized metal
Tilac Grey Primer paint
Nippon WeatherGard Hitex paint

Silicone adhesives, wheelbarrows

Hichem Gap Filler silicone adhesive
Koreseal silicone adhesive KCC SL-1000
Koreseal silicone adhesive KCC SL-2000
Koreseal fire-resistant adhesive QS-119R

Contact Infomation
What can we do for you?
Contact name: Mr. Lam (Eng/Vie)
Job Title: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Mobiphone: +84 936 128 078
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Hotline/ Zalo: +84 914 261 828 (Ms Amy)

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