Food - Suppliers And Companies (466)
Provinces/ Cities
Ho Chi Minh City
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Healthy Nuts and Seeds (Almond, Macadamia, Walnut, Chia,.) (91)
Convenience Food, Processed Food (85)
Egg (Chicken Egg, Poultry Egg,.) - Manufacturers and Suppliers (31)
Snack Food - Manufacturers and Suppliers (15)
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Food - Importers and Distributors (768)
Food - Processing and Packaging (370)
Categories Tag
- Fruits: Grapefruit, oranges, bananas, jackfruit, durian, etc.
- Nutritious seeds: Cashew, Chia seed, Macadamia nut, etc.
► Fresh, hygienic, and safe
► No harmful chemicals
➠ Contact us for the best quality products!